I haven't been feeling my best lately. I don't know if its the lack of exercise or my body telling me something is wrong again.
Last night, the weather was kind enough to let me run. It was drizzling lightly but it was safe enough to run. So I did a 2-miler just to sweat out the toxins that have been building up for the last 2 weeks. I felt really good. I ate a very light dinner, spend an hour watching Castle with the hubby, spent about 30mins doing my holiday project then turned in at few mins past 12. I've been sleeping a lot later than my usual 9-10ish bedtime lately. I wanted to believe that's the culprit to this unusual fatigue that I've been feeling the past few days.
I know the coming week is going to be really tough for me again. I'm not supposed to see anymore doctors this December (besides the neurologist to bring back my EEG results) but I guess it really isn't time for me to take a rest on the doctor run just yet. I'm giving it another year. And then I'm going to focus on getting pregnant again.
Yes, I'm positive this isn't going to be something major (I will conquer this mentally damn it!) And that 2012 is going to be a lot better than the past 3 years. Health-wise most especially. By God's grace of course.